Friday, April 11, 2014

I have been asked to jot down a few tips on losing weight as it has helped me. Those who are interested must not only read about it but implement each tip in your diet and meal planning if you want to lose weight. I have lost 35 lbs. following these guidelines
TIP #1 Go buy a digital scale, you cannot guess at the weight of the items in your meal and lose weight.
TIP #2 Go buy a good set of measuring cups and spoons.
TIP #3 Measure everything you put on your plate and then keep track of it on the FREE "My Fitness Pal" available on the internet at this program is easy to use and has every nutritional value of every food know to man. It will track every bite you take and spit out a total for the day!. It will even tell you what your goals should be according to your current weight, your lifestyle and age. you can also enter your weight each day. Diets that say you should only weigh yourself once a week are full of Bullcrap, How can you tell if your diet plan is working if you don't weigh yourself every day?
Read the label on the food item you are buying, buy the brand that has the lowest value in each of the nutritional values of each category.

Reading a Food Label
The food label provides important nutrition information about the contents in the package. often you will find it under the title "Nutrition Facts". a lot of information is included on the label, which is helpful, but it can also be confusing. research has shown that the two most confusing areas of the food label are serving size and servings per container. It's important to understand this information when trying to enjoy a nutritious diet and maintain a healthy weight.
If a food nutrition label reads a portion size is 3oz. or 4oz. then use your scale and DO NOT GUESS AT IT! People say "OH! that looks like about 4oz.! a little extra won't hurt. That little extra is what's putting that rubber tire around your waist.
If the label reads 1/4 cup or 1/2 cup, measure it. My first thoughts on eating like this were " That's not enough food, I need more!" if you just put the suggested amounts on your plate you will be surprised if you wait 15-20 minutes you will realize your hunger feeling is gone.